Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Summer asked me to send this picture and tell her Dogs2Chance friends "Roll Tide". As you can tell, she was quite pleased when Alabama beat the Georgia Bull Dogs and has no fear of Great Dane. That's what she calls Notre Dame.

Seriously, she's been wonderful and we love having her in our lives and our home. She travels very well and is great with our grandchildren. They love her too.

Thanks to Stacey and everyone at D2C.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Alfalfa aka "Alfi" - pictures!

More pictures of Alfi cooling off in his pool here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

An Update on Bessie - now known as Dale :)

From Dale's adoptive parent: "She insists on being called Dale now for some reason. Here are some pics of her in her new situation. I hope the information helps any of the other adoptive parents with their sweet puppies!"

An Update on General

From General's mom, Jennifer:
He is awesome, settling right in! Lovey, sweet boy who we adore. Thank you!



"Dylan says thank you!" ~ Ollie's Happy Tail

Picture sent by Caitlin Johnson of her 7 year old son, Dylan and his new furry big brother Ollie!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cuddles and his new Dad!

Cuddles with his new dad Chris. Another Happy Tail!

Ollie, Zorro and General make it home to their new families

General with Jenny and Garrett
 Ollie and Caitlin

Zorro and the Johnstons